
don't just take our word for it

Before I worked with Lucy and her team, I hadn't taken a vacation in 2 years. I have taken multiple vacations this year, including a two week honeymoon! I have a team who supports me, I have fewer clients (& they're all green-flag clients), and I'm happy to report I sleep through the night now. I get to go to the gym at 1pm and I bought a house that I LOVE with the cash I have made from my business. If you're considering joining, do it! Also.. it's a tax write off. Wink!

I used to wake up in a panic at 3am, stressed about work. Now, I have a team that supports me and am working less than I ever did before."

from freelancer to 60k+ months


When I first had a call with Lucy's team, I was desperate for a change. I was making great money as an email marketing director of a well -known company, but I was overworked and my quality of life was suffering. I had a skill I was confident it but I had no business acumen--the idea of starting a business felt impossible. This program walked me through everything I needed, step by step. From marketing to lead gen to sales and systems... I hit $15k months in 90 days. Now, I have moved to Turkey, am engaged to the love of my life and have all of the freedom I used to dream about.

from stressed out + overworked to working from the beaches of turkey

I went from ghosting Lucy's team out of fear to surpassing my 6-figure corporate salary


Before mentorship, I was working a draining 9-5, plus 3 other side jobs, LOL, and I was still barely making ends meet.  Now I have my business, work from home, and can go to the pool whenever I feel like it! Before Agency Accelerator, I started getting clients on my own…but as you can probably guess, they were extremely low-ticket clients. I had one client at $450 and had no systems set up. 
I knew I wanted to grow my business but didn't know how. I had no real plans and was constantly grumpy about life. Now? I'm no longer grumpy, I have the freedom I crave & I get to drive around a pink Bronco--all thanks to the business I built inside of this mentorship!

This will be a captivating header here.

I quit my 9-5, go to the pool whenever I want & bought my dream car!


I had a goal of never having to rely an anyone ever again. Thanks to Lucy and her team, you can consider that done. I was sitting at my miserable and toxic 9-5, thinking F THIS. This is not the life for me. But I had one problem: I had no clue how to run a business. I needed help! Queue…Lucy.With the help of Lucy and her team, I built a business that allowed me to move to Florida, stop working the dreadful 9-5, and hit $11k months in my business. Now, it wasn’t easy. I put in the work, I learned along the way…. and it all paid off. If you are thinking about joining, DO IT!

from a miserable 9-5 to traveling the world with a 6-figure business

I finally understand what I need to do for lead gen and how I should communicate my offer to attract my dream clients


Ready for results like this?

I joined mentorship to get clients, meet like-minded women, & transform my biz! Before I joined, I wondered what everyone else was charging. Was I doing it all wrong? Was I on the right track? My finance bro boyfriend is amazing & I love him, but he couldn’t relate to running a marketing agency because he didn’t know the industry. I wanted to surround myself with like-minded women. Before mentorship, I had a horrible employee. He never did what I asked. His work was below par. Which meant I was redoing everything he touched. And then he’d have the audacity to ask me for more money. The best part? I was paying him more than myself. With Lucy's help, I hired a dream employee and have a business that can run without me! Best decision ever.

Before Lucy, I felt like I had no choice but to burn my business to the ground.

from freelancer to 44k months


I had a dream of hitting $10k months to help support my family. When I joined mentorship, I quickly hit $10k months, so I set my sights on $20k months. Then that happened. I honestly couldn't believe it! Now, I'm working towards $30k months while spending more time with kids than ever before. Oh yeah.. and we're building our dream home. If I were to give you one piece of advice, it’s to take action, push forward, and never look back. Results may not always come instantly, but persistence always wins. 

from dreaming of $10k months to clearing $20k months

My why was deeper than revenue goals. I wanted to be able to spend more time with my kiddos.


Joining this mentorship was a blessing in disguise. Not because I built a business that I’m excited to wake up to (even though that also happened ). But because I was TRULY supported. I’ve struggled with a lot of health stuff lately and my coaches have really been there to help me figure out how to make my business work with me. Agency Accelerator taught me how to build a business that fits my life.  I didn’t want to take clients because I needed money. I didn’t want to push through health issues and make things worse. I didn’t want to have a crazy workload and dread going to work. I wanted to have a business, that makes me excited to get out of bed. I now have surpassed 10K months, and I am scaling my biz. But more importantly, I have space for my business to work around my life. 

from struggling with balance to finding my groove

I wanted my business to fit my life; not the other way around.


I joined mentorship because I wanted more time with my family and less stress while doing work that I loved. I took the leap of faith because what I was doing then… was not going to cut it long term. I was tiredddd and everything felt like a grind. Once I joined mentorship, my first priority was building out systems! Six months later, I was hitting 13K months. It’s not magic. It’s work, support, and education. I learned how to get clients, hire and outsource, and grow my revenue.  It still amazes me to this day. Lucy’s team helped me learn the best way to hire, manage a team, and become the best business owner I can be. Business has high highs and low lows, and that’s exactly when coaching is priceless. Having someone in your corner to cheer you on and support you during the highs and lows…well, I can’t imagine my business without it.  Invest in yourself, and it will pay off. 

from a two month dry spell to signing high-ticket clients left and right

I felt like I was duct-taping my business together. And let's be real... surviving is just not the goal


I live in Bangkok, Thailand, and it was really important to make $10K per month and feel financially independent.  When I joined Agency Accelerator, I was putting in a LOT of work, but didn’t feel confident enough to ask for higher pay. I used to wonder why it was so difficult to find high-ticket clients when it seemed effortless for others. I wanted to get better at sales. I wanted to find HIGH-TICKET clients. I wanted to feel more confident in my business. Five months into mentorship and I was hitting the $10k months I had always dreamed of. I have the flexibility in my business to live life on my own terms. I get to control my schedule, and make time for the important things in life, my family and friends. Joining this mentorship  was one of the best decisions I have ever made.

The most I'd earn in Thailand as an SMM was $1.8k/mo. Now, I clear $10k months.

from dreaming to living



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